Studenci z De Montfort z wizytą w Krakowie

Pani Ola Horbacz, Starszy Wykładowca Department of Imaging and Communication na De Montfort University w Leicester, zorganizowała wyjazd dla studentów do Krakowa. 39 studentów z kierunków BA Graphics, Graphics and Illustration oraz Graphics and Photography odwiedziło Polskę w lutym tego roku. Opiekę nad nimi, oprócz Pani Horbacz, sprawowali także Paul Linnell (GD Course Leader) oraz Ian Newsham (GDIL Course Leader). Dla większości była to pierwsza podróż do naszego kraju. Przeczytajcie jakie wrażenia mieli po wizycie w Polsce.


Wrażenia studentów po wizycie w Krakowie:

“Visiting Kraków was some of the best days of my life.”

“We have just returned from Auschwitz. Everyone should visit this place.”

“Kraków is an amazing place. A highlight for me was trying a wonderful variety of foods. Especially the borscht!”

“I loved it there.”

“Poland was amazing. It was like a step back in time, with its freedom, culture and mystery. An underground world that just asks you to explore (also, what we should adopt here). Also, extraordinary trip, that tested your emotions…  just simply an inspiring place to be! Thanks for the memories.”

“My experience of Poland was really good and was the first country in Europe that I had ever visited. I really loved its culture and especially its art! Loved every minute.”

“The trip to Poland was a great cultural experience with many opportunities to view at first hand.”

“Kraków is a very interesting city … you can feel and see a lot has happened in Poland from what I saw in Kraków. It is an amazing city and I’m glad I experienced it.”

“Poland was a highlight of my life: beautiful country, beautiful women, beautiful architecture, good food. I had an amazing time. It opened my mind to a lot of things.”

“I really enjoyed the week in Kraków. Like a fairytale city. Definitely return someday. The place was such an inspiration.”

“My week in Kraków…amazing! It really gave me a fresh perspective, an opportunity to see new, exciting things and discover more about the city itself. We were greeted by a friendly atmosphere and a lot of snow; something which made our experience a lot more enjoyable! Kraków is a beautiful city and I’m sure there is still so much more of it to discover!”

“We made contact with Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, The Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and were taken round the studios and shown recent work produced by students and tutors. The students from De Montfort University found this extremely interesting and we hope that this might lead to an exchange programme in the future.”

Nadesłano przez organizatorkę – Panią Olę Horbacz.


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